“Thank you for the powerful Youth and Vitality/Telomere Extension workshop. Not only was it educational and leading edge, the quantum healing was a gift to both my soul and body. As suggested, I spent 15 minutes today in meditation visualizing my beautiful bright shiny and healthy telomeres and expressing so much gratitude and appreciation. It is so empowering and invigorating.. Thank you for providing this perfect tool at the perfect time for me.”
“Thank you for the Meridian event on teleconference tonight. When I joined I was recovering from pneumonia. I am feeling less congested and I've been able to cough more up which I haven't been able to do. Your hour event was just what the doctor ordered. I really appreciate the phone access.”
“I just listened to the recording of the migraine meditation. At this moment, I feel all of the swelling & edema in my skull has dramatically reduced. Almost everything (emotionally/belief wise) that may cause migraines resonated with me. I am truly amazed! Thank you.”
“Your Neck Healing Event was amazing!!! I felt my neck was spring loaded and it energetically felt like it stretched 3-4 times its length!!"
"Your event on high blood pressure was exceptional. You led us to see the correlations between several likely root causes that might lead to high blood pressure and how we select what we put in certain slots. Once you led us to identify the emotions involved, we used the violet light to transmute the dense negative energies into higher positive energies led by the highest ranking one JOY. This in turn produced relaxation that is transmitted easily to the blood vessels which no longer remain contracted and narrow. They then relax and expand to LET the blood flow easily without undue PRESSURE. This was fascinating, enlightening, transforming."
"You did not know that I had urinary stress-incontinence & feeling "jittery" when I attended your "Guided Healing Meditation. It was healed during that work and it has been almost a month and I am fine. Thank you so much."