Upcoming Events

To register for any event below, email alice@healingpath.info. Events can be attended so many different ways! Limited in-person attendence in Tryon, NC, live via teleconference call, or listen to the recorded call (by phone or MP3) at your convenience.

ON GOING:  In-person free MeetUp gatherings in Tryon NC for discussion, growth, and friendship. 
Learn more on the MeetUp group page here.
January Events
Expand Yourself with the Wolf Full Moon
Live Event, Monday, January 13, 11am-12:30pm CT / Noon-1:30pm ET - $30
Howl with the Wolf Full Moon to expand yourself and your life spiritually! In this guided meditation event, receive the strength and instincts of Wolf during the expansion of the full moon. Envision your year ahead, to become what is most important to you. Event includes an astrological/numerology look at the year ahead! 
Your Sacred Adrenals - A Healing Meditation Event
Live Event, Saturday, January 25, 9:30am-11am CT / 10:30am-Noon ET - $30
After a fast paced year of change, let’s give your adrenal glands some stress support! In this event, experience a thorough detox of buried emotions and beliefs held in your adrenals, while learning their spiritual purpose. In a guided meditation, you will receive a sustainable vitality boost to your adrenals that includes a third eye alignment and activation. Feel powerful and calm! 
February Events
Your Earth Star & Soul Star Chakras
Live Event, Sunday February 9, 9:30am-11am CT / 10:30am-Noon ET - $30
Your seven major ’in-body’ chakras have important gateways to the earth through your Earth Star Chakra, and to the higher realms through your Soul Star Chakra. In this event, explore their purpose while experiencing a meditation that will guide you to clear, expand, and activate both gateway chakras. Enhance your vital energy and your alignment with the above and below.
Remember Your History, Truths, & Purpose – An Advanced Ascension Gathering
Live Event, Saturday, February 22, 9:30am-11:30am CT / 10:30am-12:30PM ET - $49
This is the first of two events this year exploring what is keeping you from being truly free. The crux of our ascension journey is nothing happens fully unless we are free. In this event you will experience remembering your history, your truths, and what your purpose really is. We will also continue the inner work in guided meditation to end our ancient contracts, including our ‘original’ contracts that occurred at earth’s inception, at birth, and are specific to you. Step further onto your pathway to full freedom!

Future Planning

2025's Planned Events:
3/20 Spring Equinox
3/29 Solar Eclipse
4/12 Full Moon Healing Meditation
4/24 Healing Meditation
5/5 Portal Event
5/10 Advanced Ascension Gathering
6/6 Portal Event
6/20 Summer Solstice
7/24 Free Event
8-8 Portal Event
8/23 Advanced Ascension Gathering
9/7 Lunar Eclipse
9/21 Solar Eclipse/ Autumn Equinox
10-10 Portal Event
10/26 High Heart Chakra Meditation
11-11 Portal Event
11/22 Advanced Ascension Gathering
12-12 Portal Event
12/21 Winter Solstice  

All upcoming events require reservations.
Recorded Events Available by Request

And don't forget to join our mailing list to stay up to date with the latest events and special offers.