ON GOING: In-person free MeetUp gatherings in Tryon NC for discussion, growth, and friendship. Learn more on the MeetUp group page here. |
December Events |
12-12 Portal – Quantum Convergence
Live Event, Thursday December 12, 11am-12:30pm CT / Noon-1:30pm ET - $30 Rounding out this year of rapid change is my 12-12 portal event, designed for you to complete and integrate the convergence of the many timeline shifts, areas transformed, and new insights received this year. Travel this powerful portal to the Galactic Center to receive Activations and Quantum integration. Experience a new state of freedom and wholeness! |
Winter Solstice 2024 - Transform Your Heart and Soul Live Event, Saturday December 21, 9:30am-11am CT / 10:30am-Noon ET - $30 Be inspired by fresh ideas for living in higher consciousness. Learn 6 spiritual truths that help positive transformation, as we continue to move into the new earth. Light your solstice candle and have the 5th chamber (etheric) of your heart activated for a more soulful human experience, as you connect with the beat of earth’s heart! |
January Events |
Expand Yourself with the Wolf Full Moon
Live Event, Monday, January 13, 11am-12:30pm CT / Noon-1:30pm ET - $30 Howl with the Wolf Full Moon to expand yourself and your life spiritually! In this guided meditation event, receive the strength and instincts of Wolf during the expansion of the full moon. Envision your year ahead, to become what is most important to you. Event includes an astrological/numerology look at the year ahead! |
Your Sacred Adrenals - A Healing Meditation Event
Live Event, Saturday, January 25, 9:30am-11am CT / 10:30am-Noon ET - $30 After a fast paced year of change, let’s give your adrenal glands some stress support! In this event, experience a thorough detox of buried emotions and beliefs held in your adrenals, while learning their spiritual purpose. In a guided meditation, you will receive a sustainable vitality boost to your adrenals that includes a third eye alignment and activation. Feel powerful and calm! |