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Endings Lead to New Beginnings

Inspirational Article for January 2025
As we move into 2025, know that it will be an important year with an unusual theme. Numerology wise it vibrates as a 9 (2+2+5=9), which represents endings.

It’s easy to associate ‘endings’ as a negative – but it is an exciting time for growth! We can’t have something new begin without the old ending. It’s the way of the Universe. We will see this play out this year both at the macro level in the world around us, and at the micro level within our own energies.

Energetically and from a physics point of view, there are only so many molecules that make up who you are. If you are filled with old stuff, there is no room for you to bring in your latest vision or intentional creation. This means there is no space for it to manifest.

Then why do so many of us not like endings, when they are energetically the catalyst to create a space for something new? It usually is connected to our human emotions and beliefs. We may also find ourselves wanting everything to stay the same or perhaps have a fear of the unknown. Others may have attachments that need to be cut, as they no longer serve them.

However, there are an increasing number of people who look positively at endings. Why? They regularly work on eliminating what is no longer needed within themselves, and each time they do, they experience a ‘mini ending and new beginning’ with an aspect of themselves! This adds up to having more and more room to expand themselves in bigger ways. Energetic expansion provides the space to create and bring in something that is desired or required. On January 13th, I’ll be offering a Wolf Moon Expansion Event that helps with this energetic work in a guided mediation. If you cannot attend real time, an MP3 recording will be available.

How do we further embrace endings and our energetic growth?

   1. When something emotionally affects you or you feel triggered in some way by a human experience, it’s really a gift. It is your higher self and body telling you, “Hey, this issue needs to be processed and released. It’s holding you up in your spiritual progression!” Action: Take a pause. Transmute the limiting old aspects of you, which will allow space for the new!

   2. Periodically take a brief break in your day to sit quietly. Allow yourself to do and think nothing – to space out for a few moments. This routine of leaving the conscious mind, helps to open a space for the new to come forth.

   3. Listen to and learn new things. Staying the same is stagnating as it offers no space for your new and desired aspects to enter. So explore and take on new adventures.

2025 represents an end of a cycle within our collective experience on earth. This is an important time. It will spur amazing growth for humanity and I hope you will participate in it. Start small by changing your perception of what an ending is and how wide its’ benefits really are. We cannot reach our dreams without allowing aspects of ourselves, our life, or our world to leave/end. Ultimately this allowing is our gateway to fresh air, new ideas, and experiences we could not even imagine before!

May this year bring you the grace to accept change and the new that is waiting for us. Remember, “The new is always greater than the old.”
Alice McCall of Healing Path

Contact Alice to learn how she can help you master this topic - or transform other health, emotion, and spiritual issues. Free consultations are offered to all new clients to learn how Alice's work is directly tailored to address your areas of concern. Don't wait - step onto your Healing Path today!

Alice McCall (BS Psychology, MBA, Certified Hypnotist) is a successful author, spiritual counselor, and Cellular Level Healing® consultant. She assists her clients in transforming dense blocks of energy using the mind, body, spirit connection. Her specialty is helping those with serious diseases. She healed herself of breast cancer without medical intervention by transforming her disease at the cellular level. She is the author of '‘Wellness Wisdom’ and ‘Living with Trust: Guidance on Your Life’s Journey’.

Contact Alice to learn more and schedule your free personal phone consult.