Each month a new inspirational,
spiritual, or educational article by Alice McCall is posted. If
you would like to read past articles,
please follow this link.
in the March 24th 2011 edition of the Walton Sun) -
By Deborah Wheeler
Secret’ Buzzes the Panhandle
“The Secret” is the new buzz in TV
land and in South Walton. Oprah has endorsed it; Larry King is
talking about it. An impressive list of nationally-known figures,
such as Dr. John Gray, are teaching it.
“The Secret” is
based on the laws of attraction – that people get in life what they
dwell on.
In South Walton, Alice McCall and Mary Moses hold
beliefs based on “The Secret” and frequently share with others.
McCall held a workshop this past week entitled, “Attract the
Abundance You Deserve!” at her home in Santa Rosa Beach. McCall’s
workshop focus was on how to create a life of abundance using the
tools of visualization and intention setting. This is the third run
of the course in this area and it has been popular, she said.
This is one of many courses McCall teaches. She believes people
are born with inherent tools to create abundance in life. This is a
theory she taught for years before the movie, “The Secret,” came
out. She endorses the techniques of “The Secret” of manifesting
positives, but believes she takes it a step farther.
“If we
manifest the positive and hang onto negative thoughts of ‘I’m never
lucky’ or ‘I never have any time or money,’ it can get in the way of
allowing positives to work. It’s the whole circle that I teach,” she
said. “If you focus on fear, anger, frustration and worry, you focus
on what you don’t want to create – harmony well being and health.”
McCall holds a bachelor of science degree in psychology and a
masters in business administration. She is an advanced energy
healer, spiritual counselor, life/self-improvement coach and
ordained minister. She became familiar with these concepts while
suffering health problems eight years ago. She sought ways to heal
herself. Afterwards, she wanted to educate others on how they could
do the same.
“I felt called to share with more people,” she
After moving to South Walton in 2003 from Atlanta,
McCall began leading workshops here.
“The mind and thoughts
are a creative force. That’s in Genesis. The word is thought
expressed and is God’s likeness. That means we have the same
creative potential in us,” said McCall. “It’s being aware and
knowing how to use it.”
McCall claims to have successfully
used the theory to work with people suffering from
allergies, lymphoma, gastro reflux, neurotremors, fibromyalgia,
emotional problems, and people who continually attract the wrong
View her Web site at
Moses’ group focused on much
of the same ideas.
“What you put out is what you get,” said
Mary Moses. “You draw it to you.”
Moses also talks of healing
– the inside and outside – of our bodies. She creates natural
cosmetics and has talked with producers of QVC and The Oprah Winfrey
Show about her creations and was invited to the show.
also talked with the Oprah Winfrey Show about her beliefs of the
ability each possesses to “intend” for one another, and the positive
changes that could be brought about for another person. The Show is
interested in progress reports of what changes occur because of her
“intending” for another person.
“Whether we know it or not
we’re all here to help each other be a better version of ourselves,”
said Moses. “You have God inside you.”
Moses admits her
beliefs are non-conventional. She said “the spirits” told her, “I
left my word for you to follow. Follow what I said and you will know
me and you will be me. You can move mountains if you have faith.”
The revelation of that for her is “we have the ability to
create. Everyone wants to be happy. Keep the highest vision of
others. Magic can happen,” she said.