Healing Path with Alice McCall

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         May 2007

Sacred Paths
Part 2 of 2

Last month I introduced the idea of using an ongoing activity such as walking to accomplish forms of prayer and creation work. I suggested walking two possible sacred paths: the path of “Love and Light” and the path of ‘Honoring Mother Earth”. Today I want to share with you a few more.

The next sacred path is ‘Thanksgiving’. When walking this path, take the time to thank God for every thing and every person in your life. Include thanks for things that you have asked for, even those you have yet to receive. Thanksgiving helps to bring the request into the present. The energy of gratitude is a great energy to start any day, project, or meditation. I have been guided to start every client’s healing or spiritual session with thanksgiving.

We worry so much about what we don’t have and we often talk to God about what we need. However, how often do we thank God for our life, for the home we live in, for the food that we eat everyday. Many people in our area, are focused on the fact that real estate seems to be sluggish. It is easy to feel fearful about how you will be able to support properties that are not currently selling and how to support yourself when the commissions are not as available.  It occurred to me that instead, we need to focus on thanking God for the opportunity to own a piece of property, even if appears to be a burden.

Thanksgiving and gratitude provide an opening for all kinds of wonderful things. So, this sacred path, if you choose to take it, consists of consciously thanking God and the Universe for what you have, for the people in your life, for the opportunities God has given you, for the beauty of the earth, and its nature… All while walking and breathing in healthy, fresh air.

How many of us are able to stay as focused as we would like to on our chosen positive affirmations? Well, the next sacred path is your opportunity to do just that. I call it the path of ‘Positive Creation’.  Walk this path like an ongoing mantra, saying your affirmations with each step. Examples: "I am healthy body," and repeat it for 10 footsteps. “I am supported always,” repeat it for 10 footsteps. “I am abundance,” repeat it for 10 footsteps. Your body takes commands from your thoughts and words, and so does the universe. Send out those commands. Use affirmations that reflect what is going on with you, in your life.

The positive creation path can also grow into intention setting, which is a form of creation. Suggestion – “My intention is that: My day flows easily and effortlessly. I get all the support I need and everything that needs to get accomplished is accomplished. Thank you God for my productive, effortless day.”  Repeat this intention as you walk. Alternatively, maybe intend that: “I attract healthy, spiritually aware, positive friends to me. Thank you God for my friends who are aware mind, body, spirit.”

Maybe you would like to walk the sacred path of ‘Letting Go’ or ‘Forgiving,’ which uses the same principles.

Now that you have the hang of this, try using this sacred time while on the treadmill at the gym; while you ride your bike, as you are waiting on line, as you are on hold on the phone, as you are sitting in a waiting room, as you drive your car, or as you sit on an airplane.

It is so hard to carve out the time for healthy activities in our busy life, but the spiritual practice of creating, thanking, praising, and sending prayers and love to others is something we can do while doing something else.  Rather than skip this sacred work, or never have time for it, incorporate into your ongoing routine!

Walk your sacred path. I know you will enjoy it. It is a nice way to wake up in the morning. Once you start to engage in this activity, you will find other creative ways to utilize your sacred path and personalize it.  Footstep by footstep you will consciously intend love, thanksgiving, praise, and a new way of being - filling yourself, others, and the universe with a lightness of being.  Remember, the best way to change the world, is to change yourself first!

Contact Alice to learn how she can help you master this topic - or transform other health, emotion, and spiritual issues.  Free consultations are offered to all new clients to learn how Alice's work is directly tailored to address your areas of concern. Don't wait - step onto your Healing Path today!

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