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Is Fear a Way of Life?

Inspirational Article for November 2022
Internalizing fear is detrimental to your health and wellbeing. It lowers your immune system’s defense, can contribute to depression and anxiety, all while blocking you from embracing your true self.

It’s easy to think of fear as something that is given to us by others or situations. We find sources outside of ourselves to blame for our fears, and likely use avoidance as the sole solution. However, the truth is fear becomes internalized when you allow or create it. Instead of looking outwards for solutions, let’s empower ourselves to look inwards.

There are universal truths like God’s love, love’s value, and the present moment. Fear is not among those truths. Fears are largely brought into being through your creation and perceptions – which means you have the ability to un-create them!

Through Healing Path, I have worked with thousands of people, in addition to the countless hours I’ve spent working on internal fears of my own. I have learned how each of us has our own unique patterns of perception. Our perceptions form beliefs that underlie our fears.

Where do these underlying patterns of perceptions that form our fear beliefs come from? We put our unique spin and stamp on them based on past life experiences, childhood beliefs, our emotional profile, and even what is held in our family genetics. For example, many may have a fear of ‘not enough money’, but the underlying reasons will be different for each person. One person’s pattern began because of how they witnessed their parents constantly worrying about money. Another person’s fear could be rooted in a past life where they ended up on the street as a beggar. If someone tries to toss the ‘fear of no money’ out, without examining the reason behind it – the door is open for the fear to return.

It is critical to look underneath your fear to see why you are holding onto it. This connection is what allows it to be emotionally rooted inside of you, which means it is the best way to process, transmute, and release the fear permanently.

We all want our fears gone. Beyond fears being uncomfortable and producing stress, there is another reason to focus on letting them go. Fear is a powerful creator of what we do not want to happen. Why? When we are in a fearful state, we are placing a lot of energy on what we do not want to happen in the future – whether it be this afternoon, next month, or in our old age! We are putting our creative thoughts, emotions, worries, and time on what might happen in the future. Focusing on fears can literally create the future you do not want.

That is why it is important to stop letting your unresolved fears exist within you!

Whether your fear is your greatest fear or just a regular ole fear - they all have commonalities.

1. All your fears are your creation. You create fear four ways: through choice based on your perceptions, by internalizing your parents’ fears, via unresolved past lives, and from collective fears.
2. Discover the basis of each of your fears. What is the underlying perception and associated belief forming each fear? This is the casual root that allowed each fear to take hold. Also analyze any associated emotions.
3. Transform and release each fear. As the discoveries in step two are made, you can methodically transmute and release each of the components. And then, replace them with healthier beliefs for all parts of you.
4. Reinforcement is key. Your fears have likely been around for a long time, so it is important to reinforce your healthier new beliefs frequently to keep your former fears from re-entering. We are all creatures of habit, so set yourself up for success by saying, thinking, or even singing your new positive beliefs throughout the day.

Your willingness to work with your everyday fears by following these steps will bring noticeable, positive change. And moving forward, I recommend using these steps in the moment as a new fear shows up. Doing this will prevent it from sliding deeper in and taking root within you. If I can assist you further, don’t hesitate to contact me. - Alice
Alice McCall of Healing Path

Contact Alice to learn how she can help you master this topic - or transform other health, emotion, and spiritual issues. Free consultations are offered to all new clients to learn how Alice's work is directly tailored to address your areas of concern. Don't wait - step onto your Healing Path today!

Alice McCall (BS Psychology, MBA, Certified Hypnotist) is a successful author, spiritual counselor, and Cellular Level Healing® consultant. She assists her clients in transforming dense blocks of energy using the mind, body, spirit connection. Her specialty is helping those with serious diseases. She healed herself of breast cancer without medical intervention by transforming her disease at the cellular level. She is the author of '‘Wellness Wisdom’ and ‘Living with Trust: Guidance on Your Life’s Journey’.

Contact Alice to learn more and schedule your free personal phone consult.