It is common for us to continually hide parts of ourselves or pretend to be similar to others. We often do this to be accepted by others or to fit in with an established group. It can also be an unconscious protective reaction, which prevents our authentic self from being shared freely with the world. Overtime, these habit ways of being can make us feel stifled, misunderstood, or leave us constantly looking for another’s approval. The spiritual journey we are all on encourages us to turn this around by discovering our true self. Often it has been covered up or compartmentalized, which prevents our true self from being naturally expressed.
This journey is so important, as our divine authentic self can be so different from the persona which dominates our existence. The persona that easily dominates, wants and needs ‘external’ validation or acceptance to feel good. Your true self on the other hand is comfortable being your natural self. When you allow your persona to overshadow the ‘true you,’ it creates a continuous loop where your motivation lies in proving your worth to others, instead of doing things that interests you or gives you joy.
It is heartening how more of humanity is moving away from needing approval and towards a life of being fulfilled. A life where we know our value, our desires, and are comfortable with our boundaries. As we embrace our growth in this direction, we become a fully sustained person who stands in our power. One who knows who they are, their truth, and what is important. Discovering and allowing this authentic version of ourselves is an important spiritual goal. We are all somewhere on the spectrum of authentic self-discovery - there is always room for focus and improvement.
As we travel this pathway, we experience many shifts including subtle changes in our perspectives. We find that we are no longer discovering our authentic nature and allowing it to express – but now simply are authentic. We effortlessly express our true self and are able to live out our soul’s plan.
What does this shift look like in day-to-day life? You may find yourself feeling more connected to your true self or being drawn to new paths. You start looking less and less to others for approval. Instead, you live from your heart and unique truth, which you discover has more substance than ever before. You find that who you are is more than enough. You are more accepting of yourself and easily allow those former ‘well managed variations’ of yourself to fall away, because they are no longer needed.
With time, new discoveries like living with ‘resonance’ come into view. When you are in resonance with something or someone it creates feelings of joy and being enhanced. It is the warm feeling when something feels absolutely right, beyond human comprehension. As you view the world through your heart and authentic self you invite resonance to communicate with you clearly. This will attract others to you who are operating with the same self-understanding and perspective.
Resonance also pairs with the gift of mirroring. This is when the outside world brings us people or experiences that help us further learn, grow and expand. As we acknowledge this and allow continual transformation, letting the old leave and embracing the new - our health happiness and confidence improves! We also learn new truths and receive new opportunities. Why would we want to express anything less than our authentic divine self?
Let’s start today. Allow the real you to stand up!