Healing Path with Alice McCall

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       October 2011

A Retrospective:
My Healing Journey with Breast Cancer in 2007

Have four years really passed since the time when I was focusing exclusively on naturally healing my diagnosis of breast cancer? Is it really two years ago that I authored Wellness Wisdom, sharing all that I learned on this spiritual path?

The last four years have been filled with amazing accomplishments, greater awareness, profound inspiration, and bolstered confidence. I wouldn’t change any of it for the world, including the challenges.

My largest passion has remained the same; sharing that chemotherapy and radiation is not the only way to address cancer. They can ravage the body, damage the immune system, and weaken the spirit. In fact, many deaths are due to overdose of chemo, including a young friend of mine.

Spiritually I question: Why do that to myself and my body? Why use methods that have such horrid side effects?  Why turn the power of choice and process of my health over to someone who won’t be living in this body afterwards?   

My passion does not stop with how we address cancer, it includes how we address all health issues. In my practice, I see amazing results every day, just by working with the mental/emotional connection to the body – without pills that have side-effects for the rest of one’s life!

It is time to reclaim our personal power of choice once again. The choice to use natural healing methods. The choice not to use protocols and medicines with negative side effects. The choice to live holistically.

Would I decide on self-healing using my practice of Cellular Level Healing again? Absolutely. I am firm on this matter. Why wouldn’t I? I have the breast and lymph glands that were to be surgically removed – continuing to be a lovely part of my body – spiritually representing my wholeness.  My body holds no scars, radiation, or chemo, and my immune system is fully functioning.

I have a heightened spiritual awareness, understanding, and skills because of my journey. Best of all, I have minimal fears, which is a great way to live. I trust that I am safe. I trust that I am taken care of. I trust that I will continue to be guided to learn the information that I need to be healthy and well in the years to come.

It is clear to me that once you step forward on the spiritual path – the path to healing and wholeness - there really is no going back. Why? Because it feels so good! Who would want to go back to their fears, worries, and doubts.?  Who would want to go back to multiple medicines with their potential harmful impacts?

Open your mind and heart to learn about alternative health and healing approaches. Open yourself to reclaim your power, your choice over who you are – body, mind, and spirit.  Learn more about my journey in Wellness Wisdom.

Love & Blessings

Contact Alice to learn how she can help you master this topic - or transform other health, emotion, and spiritual issues.  Free consultations are offered to all new clients to learn how Alice's work is directly tailored to address your areas of concern. Don't wait - step onto your Healing Path today!

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