Healing Path with Alice McCall

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Each month a new inspirational, spiritual, or educational article by Alice McCall is posted.
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        April 2016

Nothing is Going on!?  Not True!

When you plant a seed in the ground - you water it and then wait. It can often take several days or weeks to see a sprout emerge. While you wait, it is easy to doubt the process of germination, question your ability to garden, wonder if it has the proper amount of water, or maybe ponder if the seed was bad and will never sprout. Then one day, a little green shoot appears, providing proof of how something was evolving, growing, and occurring – even if it wasn’t visible to the naked eye.

It is easy to demand instant gratification and results - losing sight of how fully formed growth takes time to develop. It takes time for new doors to open, time for manifestation to become reality, and time for progress to become results. These things are usually not obvious to us or are not done in steps that we can bear witness to. This is the cycle of growth and of life. It is important to trust in the process of creation.

We are all called upon to trust the process of our life and the power of our intention - our creative process. It is critical to trust whether the process seems to be moving at light speed or a snail’s pace. In fact, the speed of the process may be a message for you – a reminder to remain grounded or an opportunity to rest and regroup before the next surge of activity arrives. Perhaps things are moving slowly because you are being called to learn, heal, or grow. Maybe something you created is in its gestation stage - much like a seed that must first create firm roots before appearing above ground.

All is in Divine order. Be filled with this knowing and walk this path, trusting it to be true. All will be revealed, and sometimes that clarity occurs in retrospect.

The great Mother, the keeper of cosmic balance, has been awakening many over the last several years. Her energy is intense and is often expressed as the Void - as an emptiness or nothingness prior to manifestation or renewed activity. Sometimes it will express as your inability to act, physical exhaustion, or a general feeling of being blocked.

For many, being called to embody the Void is a frightening and challenging experience. To embody this nothingness and to be at peace with it is a part of the cycle of existence. Do not fear that you are blocked, stuck, or that you are a failure – understand that it simply might be the time for you to experience being the Void. It is a period of rest to facilitate the birth of something new for yourself and for the world.

I recently felt frustrated that nothing was happening in my little part of the world. As my irritation continued, I had an accident that laid me up for a while. I was told in my meditation work that if I had allowed the experience of nothing – the Void - and embraced it, there would have been no need for an accident that forced me to do/be just that!

The truth of this resonated with me. I totally surrendered to this part of my journey and allowed it unfold as it needed to. As a result, I am in a better place within myself. I have a clearer understanding of where I am headed spiritually. And the best part is, I am totally at peace.

‘Void’ experiences are a part of every Creation and Manifestation journey and every person’s spiritual growth journey. To hold that energy within yourself is to embody the Great Cosmic Mother. It is a powerful creative force and a powerful teacher.

When nothing is moving, please don’t fight it. Instead try to embrace it and to allow it to be how it is - until it is time for that experience to change. You will be glad you did!

Contact Alice to learn how she can help you master this topic - or transform other health, emotion, and spiritual issues.  Free consultations are offered to all new clients to learn how Alice's work is directly tailored to address your areas of concern. Don't wait - step onto your Healing Path today!

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