Healing Path with Alice McCall

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         September 2013

Trilogy: Being in the Present

“The more I live in the present, the more I realize how much easier and safer it is.” -  Alice McCall

Being – just being – is very different from thinking, understanding, and knowing. It is also very different from doing or making things happen. Being takes practice. Sometimes the practice means not dwelling on the past or future.  Sometimes it is to just be in the present moment.  Sometimes it means converting our spiritual learnings into our actions, thoughts and everyday behaviors.  This is also a great way to create a new way of being.

The following trilogy of spiritual principles includes important areas when practicing the art of being in the present: Alignment, Trust, and Detachment.

Peace Attained - Alignment

One can never be truly happy and at peace until one takes total responsibility for their entire life, reunites with their spiritual self, and aligns with their soul’s purpose.

Once completed nothing else matters. Once in alignment it doesn’t matter how long or brief the time is for soul’s purpose/mission to unfold. It just is. It is completely okay to just be. If you are looking for peace, this is where you will find it and the ability to maintain it.

Finally Safe - Trust

It used to make me anxious to trust my co-creations and intention work. Sometimes they didn’t manifest in what I thought was a reasonable amount of time, and sometimes not at all. It felt risky to trust the process. The feeling of being secure did not exist.

What changed? Me! Now I think, “Oh well, I guess it was not for my greater good,” and move on. I trust the process and go with the flow. This is important even when the flow is not what we intended and may seem unsafe. Once we dive into the waters of the unknown, we experience the wonder and relief of not “having” to be in control. Once we really stop worrying, living in the present suddenly feels safe, really safe.

So what is safe and unsafe? Safe used to be ‘me being in control’. Now safe is ‘me not being in control’. Pretty ironic, but very profound.

Perspective Achieved - Detachment

Several times in my life, I felt as if I was being asked to step off a cliff. Each time it seemed too much. Each time, fear and trust issues entered.

In the ‘Big Picture’ however, one should be able to say: “I did it last time;  I survived and even flourished. Why be so afraid?” This is the best way to think and feel. Ultimately, the process then moves to ”Oh here it comes again, another leap of faith, another plateau to master, another growth evolution is starting to kick in.” This thought process describes what it is like to be a detached observer within your own life.

Detaching ourselves to observe our life is very healing. It keeps inner turmoil, analyzing, and fears to a minimum. It allows our energy to flow more freely, teaching us, and opening up new possibilities. Remember, the new is always greater than the old.

The Trilogy in Your Daily Life

If utilized, these three steps (aligning with your spiritual self, trusting the process of your life, and observing your life with detachment) will yield a way of being that is filled with peace and joy.

Contact Alice to learn how she can help you master this topic - or transform other health, emotion, and spiritual issues.  Free consultations are offered to all new clients to learn how Alice's work is directly tailored to address your areas of concern. Don't wait - step onto your Healing Path today!

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