MP3s & Recorded Events

By client request I am making my most popular recorded teleconference events available for purchase as an MP3 or recorded call which is accessed through your phone. When requesting an event, let me know which format you prefer. If you’d like to experience a meditation event for free – please follow this link.

Healing Transformation & Prevention:
Cellular transformation and prevention while in meditation - topics cover over thirty critical health areas. Click here for more. 

“Neck work was amazing! I felt my neck was spring loaded and stretched 3-4 times its length!! I will be registering for the rest of your spinal series. L&L” H.A., South Carolina

”Your Bladder/UT healing meditation fulfilled its promise. My urinary stress-incontinence was healed! It has been almost a month, and I am fine. Thank you so much.” D.S., North Carolina

Spiritual Growth & Self Help:
Offering foundational transformation, guidance, support, and powerful energy transformation in meditation. Click here for more. 

“I completed the limit/lack meditation recording. I already got a raise!” H.A., South Carolina

”Wow Alice, I haven't felt such peace and direction in a long time. I received important answers that put me on a forward path, so different from feeling stagnant. Thank you for the transformation.” D.M., Florida

Events range from one hour to multi-part series. Email Alice if you have any questions or are looking for a specific topic that isn’t listed.

 “Thank you again. I have gotten a real sense of peacefulness and physical improvements from all of your events. Your toning really makes a difference – very supportive of deep work.” F.W., North Carolina